The Fur Life Foundation

Registered Charity LogoFur Life Foundation helps to enrich the lives of people and animals in need through our partnerships with local and national charities. Fur Life Foundation provides rural communities based across regional Australia where donations can be made.

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Fur Life Vet Foundation Mission

Fur Life Vet Foundation’s mission is to support rural communities in times of need by raising funds which are then distributed to our partners.

Fur Life Vet Foundation has a focus towards rural and regional communities.

Fur Life Vet Foundation is committed to supporting two well-established charities who provide exceptional assistance to rural and regional areas during times of need and in the provision of services that enhance the welfare of animals and the people who care for them.

The Foundation also partners with Wildlife organisations across Australia.

Rural Aid

Rural Aid provides a holistic support program to rural Australia and aims to lend a helping hand when times are tough with support via various project initiatives including Buy-a-bale.

Visit Rural Aid

Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC)

Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC) coordinates veterinary programs in remote Indigenous communities to enhance outcomes in dog management, health and control.