We offer a variety of parasite prevention products in our clinics to cover all the parasite groups discussed below. Our products are top of the range, whereas many supermarket products cannot guarantee sufficient protection. Please come in and have a chat to our staff ... they can help you determine which parasite prevention products best suit your needs.
While these pesky bugs are most common in the warm weather, your pet can be infested all year round. Although fleas particularly love warm sandy environments, they can be found anywhere, including being tracked though your yard by strays and wildlife. In very severe cases, particularly in young animals, flea burdens can be life threatening.
Maintaining flea control, and regularly washing your pet’s bedding in a hot wash, are some easy but important ways to keep them healthy and itch free.
Talk to us about the latest single dose, annual injection that protects against fleas and ticks for your dog.
We are unfortunate enough to share this part of the world with a species of paralysis tick. These ticks are most commonly found in bush and beach regions, so keeping your furry friend protected when travelling through these areas, particularly in the warm weather, is paramount. Tick paralysis requires intensive medical intervention, and if left untreated is fatal.
Ask your Fur Life Vet about the first and only flea & paralysis tick injection that provides year long protection for your dog.
This parasite is spread by mosquitoes, and is particularly dangerous because by the end of a complex life cycle, the adult worms reside in the heart and all the major blood vessels from it, which can lead to some serious and potentially fatal cardiac complications.
It is predominantly a parasite found further north in Australia. However, there have been isolated cases of heartworm in the region over the last few years, and the potential for the disease to be carried into the area by another animal is high.
If your pet is not up to date with heartworm prevention, it is extremely important to get them tested before starting any heartworm prevention product. Prevention products can kill all stages of heartworm at once, and if your pet happens to be heartworm positive with adult worms living in their circulatory system, this can result in blockages (embolism) that will likely be fatal.
Talk to us about the annual heartworm injection today!