Ear complaints are one of the most common issues with our pets and often are only diagnosed by chance!
If we had to name the most common issues we see every day with pets then problem ears would be high on the list if not at the top. And for the most part ear problems are identified secondary to the reason the pet was actually at the vet in the first place!
But here's the pinch ... ear issues can be darn painful for your pooch and if left untreated can become chronic, leading to hearing loss or hematomas due to the incessant head-shaking and scratching.
Don't let your dog (or cat) suffer needlessly. Read about the common causes, symptoms and potential treatments below.
- Ear mites
- Foreign bodies like grass seeds
- Allergies
- Polyps or tumors
- Infection
- Conformation: Large floppy ears cover the canal, trap moisture and decrease airflow creating the perfect environment for bacteria and yeast.
Shaking head
- Red inflamed ears
- Rubbing or scratching at ears
- Head tilt (carrying head on the side)
- Painful sensitive ears
- Ear discharge
- Dark brown or black build up in ears
The aim of treatment is to clean the ear, decrease inflammation, treat pain, and ultimately address the underlying cause.
Depending on the diagnosis, your Fur Life Vet will provide the appropriate medications and of course remove any foreign bodies that may have caused the inflammation and secondary infection.
How do you prevent ear infections?
We have provided a few simple tips below and some extra information on one of the most common ear problems ... those pesky ear mites!
All About Ear Mites
If your best friend is constantly scratching his ears and shaking his head, or you smell something less than pleasant coming from his ears, the culprit may be ear mites.
Ear mites look like miniscule crabs. Their preferred environment is your dog’s ear canal, although they can move out of the ear to the hosts head and body.
What’s particularly unpleasant about these little crab-like mites is what they eat: namely, your dog! They love to feed on tissue and fluids inside the ear canal.
Ear mites are most commonly found in puppies and dogs that have poor immune systems (and they can also be found in cats). They have a three-week life cycle and reproduce rapidly.
Symptoms of Ear Mite include:
- Scratching
- Increased earwax
- Thick, black-colored ear discharge
- Head shaking
- Sores around or on the ears
- Itching of the head and neck
Your Fur Life Vet may do the following test to determine if your pooch has Ear Mite.
- Ear swab and microscopic evaluation to identify the presence of the mites
- Visual inspection of the ear canal with an otoscope
- Other routine laboratory tests such as blood work, a chemistry profile, and electrolytes to screen for organ function, infection, and electrolyte status if your dog or puppy is in poor body condition or lethargic
- Fecal tests to rule out other parasites
Your Fur Life Vet will clean your dog’s ears while he or she is there for her exam and most likely prescribe parasiticides that will kill the mites, and recommend an ear cleaner to keep the ear canal clean of debris.
Looking after your pet's ears
Keep your pet’s ears clean!
Some breeds of dogs are prone to ear infections and benefit from having their ears cleaned regularly.
Never use water, alcohol or peroxide. Make sure you use an ear cleaner designed for pets. Ear cleaners are gentle and formulated for use in the ear. Next time you are at your Fur Life Vet ask them to show you how to properly and safely clean your pet’s ears.
Keep your pet’s ears dry.
Excessive moisture predisposes pets to ear infections, so try not to get water in your pet’s ears when bathing them and try to limit swimming if your pet has a history of ear infections.
Guide to cleaning your pet's ears
Step One – Preparation
Clean and trim the outside of the dogs ear and ear flap to remove excess, matted or dirty hair.
The first step in cleaning your dogs ears is all about general grooming. Start by carefully grooming and trimming any excess, matted or dirty hair from around the ear flap and canal. Hair that is matted, dense or dirty around the ear flaps can restrict air flow to the ear canal creating a warm and moist environment that allows wax and other debris to build up that resulting in ear infections. If your dog has hair that is growing within the ear canals you will need to take extra care to avoid damaging the ear canal or creating additional discomfort for you dog. In these circumstances it is best to seek assistance from your vet or a professional and qualified groomer.
Make sure you talk to your Fur Life Vet about the best ear cleaning solution for your dog.
Step Two – Cleaning
Cleaning your dog's ears – be gentle!
Remember pets ear canals and flaps are very sensitive. Over harsh cleaning can cause injury or even serious damage to the structure of the inner ear!
Gently lift the ear flap and dribble a small amount of the cleaning fluid into the ear. Do not overflow the ear canal, just enough fluid to fill the ear. Now gently massage the base of your dogs ear for roughly 30 seconds. You should hear a squishing sound as the liquid is moved around inside the ear canal. This exercise should not be painful to you dog in any way. If it is you should have your vet examine your pets ears immediately. Repeat the process with the other ear.
Step back – your dog will likely give his head a good shake!
In shaking his head your dog will help to bring the wax and dirt up out of the ear canal. Take a clean cotton ball and gently wipe the inside of the ear removing any wax or dirt and excess cleaning solution you see.
Do not use cotton buds! If you place the cotton bud too deeply into the ear you may damage the ear drum causing permanent hearing loss and pain for your pet.
Gently and patiently clean the ear with soft cotton balls. For smaller dogs it might be wise to use half a cotton ball.
Step Four – How often
How Often Should I Clean My Dog’s Ears?
The regularity with which you clean your dog’s ears depends on your pet's breed, coat, level of activity, age, and ear wax production.
At Fur Life Vet we recommend cleaning at least once a month. Some dogs may need their ears cleaned more frequently , especially if they regularly swim or get their ears wet.
Catch and treat ear infections early.
Know the symptoms of an ear infection so you can recognise them in your pet. If your pet is shaking their head, scratching at their ears, or has foul-smelling discharge from their ears, Get veet Checked!