We recommend you bring your pet in every year for a health check.
A yearly check means we can monitor your animal to ensure their ongoing well-being and address any changes that may adversely affect their health as early as possible.
The annual check also provides you with the opportunity to have a chat with us about any concerns you may have, as well as a chance to discuss your pet’s diet, exercise, and parasite prevention.
Annual Health Checks help keep our pets healthy
We all know the old saying prevention is better than a cure … and we all know its true! We have regular check-ups and high five ourselves when we come out with a clean bill of health, and if not we take our medicine to get back on track and in-shape. The older we get the more often we slip in for a check-up. Think about your furry friends just for one minute. Our animals age far more quickly than we do – an annual vet visit for your dog is the equivalent of you seeing your doctor every seven years! Kind of puts it in perspective when you think about it.
The most common reason given by owners for not taking their pets for an annual health check is time and for vaccinations … simply forgetting when they are due!