Do you know that many of the common diseases that impact our furry family are preventable?
Ensuring your pet’s vaccinations are up to date is one way you can keep them safe from some nasty and often life threatening bugs.
Dogs & Puppies
A ‘C5’ is what is known as the core vaccines – these protect against five common or dangerous diseases that are easily spread between animals:
Distemper – this disease can severely impact multiple body systems, and has a high fatality rate. It is no longer common due to several decades of vaccinating, however reduction in vaccination rates are seeing this disease become more common again.
Hepatitis – caused by a virus, this disease results in chronic and irreversible liver damage.
Parvovirus – Arguably the most important reason we vaccinate dogs, parvo is a highly contagious disease causing severe vomiting and diarrhoea. Its high mortality rate and regular outbreaks in Australia mean vaccinating puppies fully is essential to help protect them against this disease.
Canine cough – Often called Kennel Cough, this disease can cause severe pneumonia. There have been recent reports of fatal disease being caused by these pathogens. Our vaccine protects against the two most common forms, Bordetella bronchiseptica (bacteria) and Canine Parainfluenza (virus).
Additionally, vaccination against Leptospirosis may be considered in risk areas.
Leptospirosis – this is a bacterial and potentially life-threatening infection that affects the liver and kidneys. It is potentially transmissible to humans and is typically spread via urine from cattle or rodents.
Should you live in an area where Leptrospirosis is prevalent, or you believe your dog is at increased risk due to increased exposure to rodents or dairy cows, please discuss with your vet as to whether this vaccination is right for you.
Vaccinating Puppies
Puppies gain some protection from their mother’s milk (as long as the mother has immunity) but this protection gradually declines around 6-8 weeks of age, and we need to commence a vaccination program.
- 1st Vaccination: 6–8 weeks
- 2nd Vaccination: 10-12+ weeks.
- 3rd Vaccination should be performed at 16 weeks, although we recommend discussing ideal vaccination schedule with your vet as some breeds require later age vaccines.
It is important to remember that immunity is not complete until 7-14 days after the administration of the last vaccine, so it is best to wait until after this period before you start taking your bundle of joy for walks or to the dog park. Stick to visits with friends and family where any dogs are fully vaccinated.
Vaccinating Adult Dogs
Unless in very high-risk areas, adult dogs should have their first booster for Distemper, Hepatitis & Parvovirus one year after their puppy course. After that boosters are usually only needed every three years, unless you are in a high-risk area. Kennel Cough and Leptospirosis both require a booster every year
Cats & Kittens
Vaccinating your beautiful new kitten is an essential part of their early care. The F3, which is the core feline vaccine, protects them against 3 of the most common infectious cat diseases.
Panleukopaenia – This infection, also known as feline distemper or feline parvovirus, can cause severe disease affecting multiple body systems, and is almost always fatal in kittens.
Herpesvirus – this causes significant disease of the upper airways and inflammation of the eyes. Cats become lifelong carriers, and stress can cause the disease to flare up and make your cat sick again. There is no cure for feline herpesvirus so regular vaccination is essential.
Calicivirus – This also causes upper respiratory tract disease, and affected cats often develop severe ulcers in their mouth. As with herpesvirus, cats become lifelong carriers and the disease can flare up when stressed.
In addition to these four core vaccines, we also offer vaccination against Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).
FIV – Similar to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), this is an incurable disease that causes a weakened immune system, leading to significant long-term health problems. For outdoor cats in high-risk areas, we strongly recommend vaccinating against this disease.
There are also some other non-core vaccinations you may elect to add-in to your pet’s vaccination schedule dependent on risk and personal preference. It is very important to discuss with your veterinary team what vaccination schedule is best for you and your furry friends.
Vaccinating Kittens
Vaccination schedule - Recent data has shown kittens have variable response to vaccines for some kittens they may not respond until as late as 20 weeks old!
We strongly recommend starting vaccinations around 6 weeks old, and then vaccinating every 2-4 weeks until this time. A vaccination schedule will look different for every kitten, please consult with your veterinary team for what is most appropriate for you and your household.
Vaccinating Cats 6 months +
Vaccinating adult or older cats for F3 will be recommended based on your cat’s risk factors it may be every one, two or three years.
FIV vaccinations are always performed annually, otherwise the 3-injection booster course may need to be recommenced following a negative blood test.