Kidney Disease – The facts

In their lifetime, over 1 in 3 cats and 1 in 10 dogs will get kidney disease. And they typically do not show any signs of illness until their kidneys have lost most of their function permanently. As pets age, the likelihood pets will develop kidney disease worsens. In fact, more than half of cats over age 15 have this debilitating disease!

Kidney disease in cats

  • Kidney disease will likely impact 1 in 3 cats or more!
  • Certain diseases and hereditary conditions may make your cat more likely to develop kidney disease.
  • Early diagnosis, before symptoms become obvious, can be key in identifying the cause of kidney disease.

Kidney disease in dogs

Kidney disease is very common in dogs with studies showing that 1 in 10 dogs may suffer from kidney disease. Dogs can get kidney disease for a number of reasons and it’s often difficult to spot. Some of the earliest signs of kidney disease in dogs may include weight loss, urinating more often and drinking more water than usual. If you notice your dog is urinating more frequently, having accidents inside or asking to go out more, or if your dog is always thirsty, it’s time to Get Vet Checked!

Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease

Both cats and dogs exhibit very similar signs when it comes to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Unfortunately, these symptoms usually appear in the later stage of the disease.

  • Increased/excessive thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Subtle weight loss
  • Tiredness
  • Reduced appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Bad breath with a chemical odour
  • Mouth sores

What is kidney disease?

Kidneys are amazing little work horses in both humans and animals. These organs do all sorts of vital things like filter blood, process waste, balance body water levels and maintain red blood cells.

When they’re working at good capacity, all is well. But a dip in kidney function (which is the definition of kidney disease) has all sorts of consequences and if chronic, it can lead to failure. In pets, it’s pretty hard to detect until things start to get really bad and not much can be done to help.

SDMA – Changing the face of pet kidney disease diagnosis

A simple blood test is changing things for the better for Aussies pets and their owners. Read on to learn more about kidney disease, how it affects pets, the signs to watch out for, the SDMA early detection test and tips for caring for pets with kidney disease.

This test helps vets detect kidney function loss much earlier than previous tests – 45% loss as opposed to 75% loss.

Vets can then put proactive plans in place to help preserve pets’ kidney function, thereby giving them a better quality of life and hopefully, a much longer one too.

Common Causes

  • Toxins
  • Infections
  • Cancer
  • Kidney stones & associated blockages
  • Inflammation & damage to tubes and/or filters
  • Hereditary diseases in some breeds

Any of the above can lead to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)


Waiting is the enemy when it comes to CKD. The longer you do, the more chance your pet’s kidney function will be severely reduced, permanently so. At this stage, treatment options are pretty limited, particularly as dialysis and transplants are not common for pets.

But there is some good news. A new blood test is giving vets the opportunity to detect kidney problems at a much earlier stage.

Tips for pets with CKD

  1. Give ‘em lots of fresh water
  2. Ensure they have quick & easy access to ‘go potty’ (ask a neighbour/friend/family member to help during the work day if need be)
  3. Consult with your vet to make sure they have a kidney-friendly diet
  4. Keep on top of any associated protein or high blood pressure issues with regular vet checks
  5. Be patient with them & their increased needs